
IDE HD to DVD format

Begonnen von zuckerbaer, 03. Juni 2004, 23:01:42 Uhr

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I have a DPMax brand home DVD player with original mechanics out of order and electronic boards ok.
The mechanic part of player, have normal IDE interface and normal PC power supply plug ( tested connecting a working IDE PC DVD )  
I would replace the broken DVD reader with an IDE hard disk.
Someone have any ideas, if is possible to format an IDE HD to make it appear like a CD or DVD ROM at interface?

Thank you in advance for the help.  :)


Imao you don't have a chance to do that...

DVFS is the DVD Filesystem, but u can't format a HDD with that.

seen from the other side, if u r able to do that u have to reassemble the HDD each time u want to see other movie's....

I think it is simply impossible because the HDD index is another one then a DVD index. The availibility of the right File System either may be a problem...

and another problem should be the compatibility of the HDD and the Players interface.... i think u have to reconfigure that to use other Hardware... I'm not sure at all, but i think that's a mission impossible ;)

Best regards

PS.: Sorry about this english, but I'm shut rusted ;)


Zitat von: Rashka in 03. Juni 2004, 23:21:16 Uhr
Imao you don't have a chance to do that...

DVFS is the DVD Filesystem, but u can't format a HDD with that.

seen from the other side, if u r able to do that u have to reassemble the HDD each time u want to see other movie's....

I think it is simply impossible because the HDD index is another one then a DVD index. The availibility of the right File System either may be a problem...

Best regards

PS.: Sorry about this english, but I'm shut rusted ;)

Thank you Rashka but my englisch sprache is poor too...  :)
I have no problem to change the HD inside, because i would fill it of my favorite songs in compressed format and tranform the player in a mega-musicbox for my living room.
I was just searching a way to recyle it with an 8 GB HD that i have too.
A replacement Samsung or LG IDE DVD mechanics, cost 30 eur here. For 59 eur I have bought a brand new Mustek, zone zero V56S DVD player...

Thank you for the help.


hm... that's difficulty...

What i mean wit "That's impossible" ;) isn't the assemble of the HDD into ur Player....

The Players interface is configured to run with a PATA DVD-Drive...
I think there are 2 problems u have:

1. u have to search for a method to let the interface "speaks" with the HDD

2. The interface must be completely reconfigured, otherwise u havn't a chance to navigate through ur data's

Ur idea is great, but in my oppinion u have to get an technican apprenticeship to reconfigure the players interface ;)

I don't think that i can help u with ur problem....
maybe another HWE-Member can do...



Erstmal respekt Ihr mit eurem Englisch  ;D Hätte wohl inne Schule doch nicht im Englisch unterricht schlafen sollen  :D
Aber sorry, ich verstehe null bis ein Prozent was er für ein problem hat, so wüsste ich nicht, was er vorhat und kann eventuell nich helfen  :(

Das Leben ist ein Geschenk, aber keiner hat mich gefragt, ob ich das Geschenk haben will.
Wenn dich einer fragt, ob du es haben willst, dann nimm es, fang von Vorne an und mach was draus.

Jede Beziehung geht mal durch eine Kriese. Wenn du das nicht kennst, dann weisst Du nicht was Liebe ist!

Dafür das Kinder auch Kinder sein dürfen



I think that the only pratical solution is to format the HD in some way that make it readable from logic board embedded in the player.
There is a software for macOSx and windows that claims to be able to format hard drives in UDF


But is expensive and don't offer a limited time test version to check if it really works.
I will try to find a friend with an Apple computer and format an hard drive in native OSx UDF file system then connect it to the player and check if the content is correctly read.
I will try also to connect an IOmega ZIP100/IDE unit to the interface, because there should exist an IOmega utility that allow to format the 100MB cartridges in UDF.
(A Spieluhr with removable 100MB drums...  ;D )
Hope someone HWE-Members have some other brilliant idea in the meantime or know the name of some shareware or freeware utility that allow to format fixed disks in UDF ( or even in CDFS - ISO9660 ?! )
