SMF Forum auf deutsch umstellen??

Begonnen von DocFellatio, 19. Dezember 2005, 15:54:55 Uhr

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Ich kriegs irgendwie nicht gebacken das umzustellen. TMK weiß doch bestimmt wie das geht.?


Musst dir hier nur die deutsche Sprachdatei ziehen, entpacken und auf den Server hochladen:

....also den "Themes"-Ordner im entpackten Archiv ins Hauptverzeichnis auf dem Server kopieren. Im Adminbereich anschliessend die "Standard Forum Sprache" auf "German" umstellen.



Once you have selected and downloaded the language that you want to install, extract the content somewhere on your computer and then via an FTP program, upload the contents so that the actual language files (ex: index.languagename.php) are located in: /Themes/default/languages. Note: You do not need to create another directory within the languages one: all you really need to do is upload the Themes directory included in the language package as the parent directory over the existing Themes directory, located in the root directory of your forum. This will not overwrite any existing theme files or language files, but will in effect simply add the extra files that were not previously there, in this case being the new language files. Assuming you have Enable user-selectable language support enabled in Admin / Features and Options, users should now be able to select this language in their profile, on the Look and Layout Preferences page. Also the admin should now be able to make this the default language if desired by going to Admin / Server Settings / Default Forum Language.