could not load OpenGL subsystem

Begonnen von Jcslppu, 25. Oktober 2008, 21:45:46 Uhr

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Ich habe das Problem das er wenn ich das Spiel Jedi Knight Jedi Academy starten will das diese Fehlermeldung kommt :

GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem

Als Grafikkarte habe ich eine Radeon X1600/1650 dazu den neusten Treiber (denke ich)
ich habe es schon mit einer Treiberneuinstallation probiert aber nichts hilft.  ???


Hast es auch mit diesem Treiber hier bersucht:


ZitatIf you are one of the many people having the annoying OpenGL problem with Jedi Outcast (or any other game) that means you can't even play it, and have been trawling google or this forum (a tech help forum with no search function??) and only encountered "update your drivers" when you have updated drivers, I will offer you my solution, I hope it works for you:

1) Go to

2) Click one of the download links and download

3) Open it and isntall it, you will have to restart your computer afterwards.

4) GLDirect should show up on it's own when the computer boots back up. If not, click the 'Start' button on the bottom left and go to 'All Programs', then 'SCITech GLDirect' and click 'SciTech GLDirect Configuration'.

5) Click the 'Main' tab.

You may need to play with the setting here (it worked for me on hardware and non-shader driver). Run Jedi Outcast and see if it works, it should at least run but be choppy and a white screen, or it might work with your first settings.

For me it can be a bit crackly in sound, but it's better than NO GAME AT ALL!

Read the manual with it and play around with the advanced settings if you can be bothered. GLDirect has a 21 day free trial period before you have the option of purchasing or not purchasing and dealing with a watermark.

I apologize if all this has already been mentioned, or if what I've just suggested is against the rules in some manner, but I've had enough of nearly all Star Wars games getting mysterious errors. -_- And someone having this problem will be very grateful if this solution works for them.

Now to try and find out why KOTOR won't work...I have a Star Wars Best of PC collection where only one of the games so far has worked without the need for tech forums or google searching...*end rant*

ZitatName: Free Code
Code: 1C10-0485-A489-E2

Quelle (
Quelle (


Nemesis <3 hat geholfen.. kann jetzt wieder zocken xD!

nur der Sound ist eben Muell, wie dort beschrieben

naja egal, grosses danke!!  :D


Zitat von: Jcslppu in 26. Oktober 2008, 21:48:38 Uhr
Nemesis <3 hat geholfen.. kann jetzt wieder zocken xD!

nur der Sound ist eben Muell, wie dort beschrieben

naja egal, grosses danke!!  :D

Gern geschehen  :)